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  • Writer's pictureHazen Love Abo-abo

The Green Movement

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

The green movement is a broad movement that advances the concerns of environmentalists, or people who believe that it is important to preserve the integrity of the non-human world for both that reason and the survival of humans. Its membership is extraordinarily diversified, including academics, political activists, wealthy and impoverished individuals from all over the world, as well as followers of a wide range of religious ideologies.

Global climate change has been a major issue for the green movement since the 1980s. Organic farming, pollution, the preservation of both multi-use undeveloped landscapes and wild regions, the preservation of endangered species, objection to genetically modifying crops and livestock, and hostility to nuclear power are some other issues. A variety of political parties, advocacy groups, and individual activists who work at the world, national, and local levels make up the movement. The various green movement groups have been successful in raising public awareness of environmental issues, obtaining some significant legal victories, and influencing government policies, particularly in Europe. These groups are united by a desire to protect the environment, but otherwise differ in philosophy and strategy.

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