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to Our Site!

This website provides information about social change, including the two social change that our team selected, namely: Self-Discipline and Accountability.

About This Site.

This website aims to inform and enlighten people about the Social Changes that is occurring in the world. Due to the presence of more knowledge in the community, social change results in improved awareness and greater comprehension, allowing individuals to make educated decisions depending on the situation at hand. Our goal as advocates to social change is to provide an educational website that could help the youth and the masses to understand and see the effects of social changes in the society



Social Change

 Social Change is defined by social thinkers of present and classical ages as changes in human interactions and relationship that transform cultural and social institutions.


The capacity to restrain one's emotions, ideas, and actions in the face of temptations and impulses is known as self-control, which is a component of inhibitory control. 


Accountability is a willingness to take responsibility for one's actions—including the things we should do, should not have done, and when mistakes are made. 

Team Members

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